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The Top Juul Lawsuit Lawyer in America

The increased popularity of the Juul among teenagers has become rather shocking over recent years. Although promoted as a new and safer form of e-cigarette, the device has left many people in the hospital due to lung illnesses and other health issues. Although the Juul hit the market about a decade ago, there has still been little knowledge of the harmful long term effects it has against human health. A Juul Lawsuit Lawyer at Elia & Ponto is ready to help you or your child now.

The manufacturers of the Juul marketed this product as an alternative for smoking cigarettes, claiming it was a safer product. Young adults and teenagers were captivated by the accessibility and convenience of this product. For easy accessibility, the device can plug into a wall outlet or computer USB port and charge in less than an hour. The device also utilizes liquid cartridges with appealing flavors such as such as mint, creme brulee, mango, and many others. However, within these seemingly harmful cartridges is aerosol – an ingredient that is extremely harmful to the lungs. There have also been cases of the defective batteries which have caused device explosions and fires, poisonous instances of individuals swallowing juul pods, and/or individuals having the liquid become absorbed in their eyes or skin – all resulting in serious injuries.

Users are typically unaware that when breathing/exhaling such e-cigarettes, that aerosol may contain harmful substances, including:

  • Cancer causing chemicals
  • Heavy metals such as lead
  • Liquid flavorings containment of diacetyl; a harmful chemical linked to lung disease
  • Nicotine
  • Organic compounds
  • Ultrafine particle

Along with first-hand users of the e-cigarette device, bystanders also face risks of health issues.  Compared to other e-cigarettes, the Juul delivers a high concentration of nicotine. Nicotine is a dangerous and highly addictive chemical that releases dopamine when reached the brain. Many users feel pleasure when inhaling nicotine, but when that cigarette or device runs out many individuals typically face a withdrawls.

Smoking can cause heart disease, cancer, and emphysemal and although the Juul was created with the intention to help smokers quit smoking, studies have shown the Juul has ultimately lead to smoking; especially among younger audiences In fact, this epidemic is actually encouraging young adults to start smoking. Studies have also found the Juul to be toxic enough to impair the brain and lung development among children. Majority of the increasing cases regarding health problems among teens, as the Juul was marketed towards youths with the appeal of colorful ads and delicious flavored pods.


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Connections Of Vaping To Lung Disease

The alarming amount of individuals that use the Juul are at risk for severe lung disease. While there are some e-cigarettes marketed as nicotine-free (but have been found to still contain nicotine), many of the chemicals found in the e-cigarette vapor have been linked to a greater risk of cancer. It is still unknown to researchers how vaping affects the overall health of a smoker.

The e-cigarette runs on a battery that heats up the nicotine, flavoring, and other types of chemicals. This process turns the chemicals into a vapor that can be inhaled. The chemicals include formaldehyde, heavy metals (tin), and other substances that could seep into your lungs – causing higher possibilities of airway irritation of the lungs. The high voltage of the Juul also causes more toxins to be released when inhaled.

Little do consumers know that the flavor of the juul does in fact make a difference. Researchers have found the the different flavors may affect the body in different ways. For instance, cinnamon flavored nicotine juices can cause inflammation of the lungs. However, it is imperative to find more research on the long term health risks of vaping.

Elia & Ponto Law Firm

The Effects Of Popcorn Lung

Diacetyl is a well known chemical to cause bronchiolitis obliterans; also referred to as popcorn lung. Bronchiolitis obliterans causes scarring to small air sacs in the lungs in which the airways thicken and narrow throughout the process.

Popcorn lung is a critical lung disease with multiple side effects, including:

  • Wheezing
  • Coughing
  • Shortness of breath

Although companies use diacetyl to compliment the flavors like vanilla and caramel, it has been removed from popcorn factories due to the amount of deaths and numerous cases of bronchiolitis obliterans. While a vast majority of workers were affected with this harmful disease, now people who smoke juuls are inhaling the harmful chemical straight into their lungs as this chemical is now being used in e-cigarette vapor flavoring despite being banned from other products due to its dangers. The vapor can irritate the nose, skin, eyes, and cause other health problems. This harmful chemical has been found in many candy flavored and fruit flavored e-cigarettes that are appealing to teenagers. Unfortunately, popcorn lung has no cure and is more common than you think.

Elia & Ponto Law Firm

Immunotherapy For Lung Cancer

Immunotherapy attempts to kill the cancer with a patient’s own immune system and is used across the world for metastatic lung cancer. The immune system is essential to protect ones body from unwanted bacteria and viruses, so, rather than undergoing chemotherapy, users focalize on their immune system to stop the cancer from growing on its own. Cancer cells have the capability to shut down parts of the immune system. By doing this, they can multiply without any complications.

There are a few different types of immunotherapy, including checkpoint inhibitors. When the molecule checkpoints are turned on, the body knows when to fight the unfamiliar things. Essentially, checkpoint inhibitors boost up the immune system to destroy the cancer cells while immunotherapy drugs fire up the immune system to work harder than normal. The FDA has approved four checkpoint inhibitor drugs which include Atezolizumab, Duralumab, Nivolumab, and Pembrolizumab. The downside to the immunotherapy drugs include intense side effects that could cause attacks to the lungs, liver, intestines, kidneys, and other organs.

Nonetheless, are other clinical trials testing other treatments for lung cancer. Such studies look into different combinations of drugs to see how they work – including drugs such as ipilimumab and avelumab. This new type of immunotherapy drugs will help the immune system to fight the cancer cells.

Elia & Ponto Law Firm

The Dangers of Juuling

E-cigarettes and vapes were originally created to be a less destructive use than cigarettes. The juice inside of a Juul pod includes 5% nicotine, which is equivalent to an entire pack of cigarettes; whereas most other vape devices use juices with a 0.3% nicotine level. Most smokers who intend to quit choose a vape juice with a 1.2-2.4% nicotine content to lessen their nicotine intake with hopes of escaping addiction. Young adults do not realize how much nicotine is in one Juul pod and typically will smoke a pod a day – if not more.

Another risk of the harmful device includes a change in brain development among adolescents. Since teens and adolescents have not fully developed their brain, smoking can put teens at risk for lower impulse control, mood disorders, and addiction. As mentioned, nicotine is highly addictive as is, but teens are more susceptible to addiction since their brains are not yet fully developed.

Additional risks include harmful byproducts which contain ultrafine particles from the aerosol can. Many of these chemicals can cause changes in behavior and be used as a gateway drug. The high nicotine content will have long term effects, but this information is unknown due to this new trend.

Other side effects include:

  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Dry and sore throat
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Stomach pain

This growing “trend” has recently been questioned after the recent deaths of six individuals. If your loved one has been using an e-cigarette, you should inform them of the health risks and persuade them to stop vaping immediately.

The Centers For Disease Control And Prevention

The CDC is encouraging others to stop this trend immediately. It is imperative for people to stop using the Juul until the CDC knows more information about the specific health risks. According to the CDC and FDA, there have been about 380 known cases regarding lung illness. The primary commonality between these cases were the use of a Juul. Many of the chemicals have not yet been tested, indicating there are no known long effects for what these chemicals are doing to the body when inhaled. In recent studies, the e-cigarette has been linked to seizures among teenagers. Since the Juul has launched their advertising campaigns, there has been a significant increase of the use of e-cigarettes causing serious lung problems.

Elia & Ponto Law Firm

Advertising The Vaping Crisis

The mission during the early marketing of Juul was to improve the lives of one billion adult smokers. Marketing is the primary reason why this product has become popular among teenagers and young adults The design was intended to target young people for accessibility and discreteness as the device is a sleek, attractive, easily obtained e-cigarette that could be easily mistaken for a USB. The two components of the e-cigarette has the battery and temperature regulation. The pod itself has several chemicals such as benzoic acid, propylene glycol, and other flavors.

Additionally, in this generation social media influencers have a huge impact on society; which is why the company also used social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to advertise their product. They would use well-known artists and young people to give away free Juuls in order to grow their brand. Between colorful ads, social media, and commercials, young people were drawn to test out the different flavors and see what the hype was all about. Many young people look up to the influencers life styles and follow their advice. When social media influencers began promoting this product, many individuals wanted to test it out. The company’s ads became directed towards pleasure overtime. False advertising created a variety of problems for the company.

The CEO of the Juul, Kevin Burns, declared the company will suspend all digital, print, and broadcasting product advertising in the United States. This will hopefully stop enforcing the addiction of this product to adolescents. They are using this method as a deterrence for purchasing the Juul all together. The FDA has been investigating the Juul’s advertising methods for legal reasons. Juul has been illegally promoting their products as less harmful than regular tobacco products, such as cigarettes. They have been deceiving the public, and the company is now facing a criminal investigation by federal prosecutors. Juul has been under investigation by the public health officials for about a year. The investigation began when data released the amount of high school and middle school students using e-cigarettes. A vast majority of those students used the flavored pods in particular. Although adolescents vaping epidemic led to banning flavored pods in various stores, the FDA ultimately decided to prohibited sales of flavored vapes to individuals under the age of 21. The outbreak of vaping related lung injuries has become quite common as of this year. Several states have agreed to ban e-cigarette products and/or flavored pods in places like Michigan. Although the Juul company has not fought any of these claims, since it is quite evident that they are in the wrong, the Juul is going to continue to sell this product as a device used for people who need to quit smoking.

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